Kendall Frobig

Podcast Department


Kendall Frobig, Social Media Manager

Hi, my name is Kendall Frobig! I am a third year here at WHJE and am in the Podcast Department. I am currently working on producing my first podcast called ‘Girl Talk’; the show will be about female empowerment featuring various stories of powerful women from throughout history, within government and in entertainment. As a member of WHJE I am also on the LROS (Last Rock of Summer) directive team. My role on that team is to shadow Ethan Meneghini in terms of graphics and to produce my own graphics for the program. I really enjoy graphic design and I am very passionate about photography as well as production work. I highly enjoy hanging out with my friends and going to drive-thrus really late at night. If you were ever looking for me, you would probably find me here in radio or relaxing with some friends in my backyard.