Blog Post#32- What is Rileython?

Katelyn Conley

Throughout the whole month of February, you will hear us speak of an event called, “Rileython.” What is Rileython you ask? Rileython is an all-day live broadcast with special shows and interviews to shine a light on the wonderful patients and amazing caretakers that make up Riley Children’s Hospital! This is WHJE’s second annual Rileython that will help raise money for Riley Children’s Hospital! On February 27th, WHJE will begin broadcasting at 8 a.m. and will continue throughout the day until 11 at night! We hope you tune in to help support the kids! 

Last year, WHJE raised $2,270 that was added into the final CHS Dance Marathon total of $473,394.15! Where does this money go? It is all for the kids (FTK)! The money will be donated to our local Riley Children’s Hospital and will be spent on research and training, the purchasing of equipment, and pay for uncompensated care! Why should you donate? 2020 and the COVID-19 global pandemic was extremely hard on all of us. We all experienced things we never thought we would. We understand that it is a difficult time, and it can be challenging to donate. However, most of us get to wake up every day with minimal fear and are awarded the luxuries that these kids dream about! Every penny counts as it all goes back to the kids! They need our help now more than ever!

WHJE is not dance marathon. We are supporting dance marathon! If you visit our home page, there is a link entitled “RILEYTHON”! If you click on that button, there will be instructions on how to donate/create a certain donation! You can also watch our recap video of last year’s Rileython! You can donate all month long! We highly encourage you to tune in on February 27th throughout the day to listen to some of the amazing stories that these Riley kids have to share!