Blog Post#34 – Riley Friday!

Katelyn Conley

Happy Friday! It’s hard to believe that we are coming to a close for our first week of Rileython! Every Friday we are going to be showcasing members of Cabinet and WHJE and calling it Riley Friday! This week we have Sophie Cassidy! Cassidy is a second year sophomore here at WHJE and is also a member of Cabinet! I had the pleasure of getting to interview Cassidy about what Dance Marathon and Rileython really mean to her!

“Dance Marathon is really just a sigh of relief at the end of the year. All year we fundraise tirelessly for the kids (FTK!) Dance Marathon shows that our efforts were worth it and we made an impact for the kids at Riley Children’s Hospital!” Cassidy said her goal was to raise a minimum of $2500 by the end of the year. “Everyone needs to donate because these kids need hope during this crazy time. Donating helps advance research and provide better care to those who need it, and any donation helps.” 

Finally, I asked Cassidy what was her why? Why do you get involved? Why do you do what you do? Why should people tune into Rileython? Cassidy commented, “My why is revolving around making a difference. As a member of House, I saw that I could do so much more for the kids, so I joined Cabinet to be able to make that impact. WHJE has a platform that all of Carmel tunes into. We can use this platform for good and give back to the Carmel community. People should tune in on February 27th, because it’s gonna be a fun day full of your favorite live shows. You’ll be able to hear from Riley kids, Cabinet members, and WHJE staff who are truly trying to make a difference. It’s gonna be a lot of fun.”

Make sure you tune in to 91.3 WHJE or on February 27th, starting at 8 a.m.! Don’t forget that you can donate all month long under the Rileython tab on our website!