Blog Post #74 – 8th Grade Academic Transition Night


Casey Alderman

On Monday, January 1oth, Carmel High School hosted the 8th Grade Academic Transition Night for incoming freshman. This event allowed current 8th graders to tour the high school, seeing their classrooms and getting to a learn a little more about the classes they’ll be taking next year.

We loved to see all the incoming freshman taking a tour through the WHJE halls, and could not be more excited to have so many wonderful students taking radio class next school year! The WHJE radio program is an awesome experience to be a part of, and we were so glad to be able to introduce students to the type of class they’ll be taking.

A huge thank you also goes out to every staff member who volunteered to help out on Monday, whether they gave tours, invited students into the on-air studio, or even DJed music in the WHJE hallway! We can’t wait to see all of the incoming freshman in our Radio I class this August!