Blog Post #89 – Semester 2 ACE Schedule


Casey Alderman

Beginning this year, a new approach to the end of our semesters, in replacement of traditional final exams, has recently been implemented. Starting at the end of the Spring 2022 semester, these new and dynamic changes will take place during the final week of school, from May 23rd to 25th. This ACE end-of-semester schedule aims to address students’ desire for more preparation and intervention time with teachers, a balanced approach with scheduled periods for assessments and culminating experiences, and opportunities for unique classroom experiences.


Assessments & Culminating Experiences, or just “ACE,” are required in-person, end-of-term assessments or culminating experiences such as presentations, projects, exit conferences, passion projects, Genius Hours, unique laboratory activities, etc.

Preparation & Intervention, or “P&I,” is scheduled for students to connect with teachers in-person, via Zoom, Canvas messages, or email to prepare for any upcoming ACE. P&I sessions will occur in the morning during e-learning instruction from 9:05 am – 12:05 pm each day.


Students are able to use their morning P&I time by preparing at either their home or at CHS on ACE days. Students may schedule meetings with specific teachers, or will be assigned to a quiet study session monitored by staff. Freshmen are allocated to the freshmen cafeteria, sophomores to the main cafeteria, and juniors + seniors to the media center. In person attendance during P&I time is not required. 

However, attendance is mandatory during all ACE classes, with no exceptions. Following these attendance expectations ensures that CHS maintains a high level of educational excellence.

Parents/caregivers who want their students to remain on campus for the entire day (9:05 am – 4:05 pm) within the supervised study areas on May 23-25 must complete a Google Form no later than May 20. This form will assist in preparing for lunch service and appropriate supervision. Students working virtually during P&I time or only attending scheduled meetings with teachers do not need to fill out the form. Students registered for the full P&I time are not permitted to leave and will be expected to remain on-campus all day.


ACE sessions will begin May 20th during G4. On May 23rd – 25th, ACE classes begin at 12:50 pm each day. Students not already on campus may start arriving at 12:05 pm. Students must remain on campus during an ACE period unless it is an emergency or necessary absence, and Student Services give permission. Any student with a family-related conflict during ACE periods will make up their work once they return from their pre-approved conflict. Please note that medical documentation must be provided to the Attendance Office for excused medical absence. Without a doctor’s note, students must be seen by our Health Center nurses, where the absence will be excused if the Health Center staff finds the student too ill to attend. Otherwise, students will be expected to complete the ACE. If medical documentation is provided and the student feels better before the end of the week, they are allowed to work with their teacher(s) to complete the ACE. If unable to complete their ACE during the final week of the semester, the student will complete their ACE when they are well enough to return. This may require entering an Incomplete for the student’s grade until the ACE is completed. Students who are not medically excused and have not been pre-approved through the Attendance Office to complete their ACE later will not receive credit for their ACE.

For P&I time, students should request a pass from each teacher in advance for in-person visits. Students will have their passes verified by school personnel before being allowed access to the building before 12:05 pm. Students with their own transportation not signed up for a full day of attendance may sign in for the P&I visit, then depart CHS until classes begin at 12:50 pm. Students must present their ID at sign-in tables inside Doors 13 (freshman center) or 21 (natatorium/varsity gym) and keep it visible in the hallways, as hallway supervisors will monitor student activity. Students must be on a pre-approved list to visit a teacher. All students on campus prior to 12:05 pm must be accounted for and will not be allowed to gather in unsupervised areas of the building such as the gym, Greyhound station, main office commons, etc.


Students working off-campus on May 23, 24 or 25 may eat lunch off-campus or at CHS. Students registered by their parents for a full day on campus may not leave to eat lunch. CHS cafeteria menu offerings will be limited and will be served from 12:05 -12:35 pm for students wishing to eat lunch at school.


Buses will provide transportation to and from school on the normal schedule. Dismissal at the end of the day will operate as normal for all students, including parent pick-up at the stadium. Students who wish to work off-campus in the morning will be responsible for their own transportation to school and must be ready for ACE sessions starting at 12:50 pm. Students may be dropped off and enter the building at Door 9 (main café) or Door 13 (freshman center). Campus will be open to all students starting at 12:05 pm, arriving for ACE at 12:50 pm.

Please refer to the picture below for any questions over the new ACE schedule: