Blog Post #90 – Spring Blood Drive


Casey Alderman

On Tuesday, April 26th, Carmel is hosting the annual Spring Blood Drive. WHJE is proud to support the drive – it is extremely important as Covid-19 has dried up the blood banks, causing hospitals to rely heavily on local blood drives. School drives make up over 30% of the blood supply, and Carmel students/staff are urged to donate as fewer people are donating, despite a constant and growing need for blood. Every day, the Indiana Blood Center must collect at least 650 units of blood, yet the average blood drive collects a mere 16 units.

Last semester, Carmel High School collected a record breaking 224 units of blood, and sights are only set on achieving a higher number of donations this semester!

Every CHS student aged 16 and older is encouraged to donate, however, there are requirements and restrictions. The donor must be 110 lbs and over, and cannot be participating in a school-sanctioned Spring sport.

Click here to sign up!

*16 year olds must fill out waiver attached here*