In 1999, a young scientist at the University of California, Berkeley announced that he had discovered three new elements. Within three years, he would be disgraced and out of a job. Listen to this episode of Unscientific to hear the story of Victor Ninov, the man who faked three elements.
Unscientific Episode 1
March 11, 2024
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About the Contributor
Gavin Chen is a second-year podcaster on WHJE who has an interest in creating media about stories, whether they are true stories from history or pure fiction. They currently produce the historical storytelling podcast Let Me Tell You A Story with cohost Asher Harris. They also currently produce the Unscientific podcast about scientific scandals and misconduct, of which there may or may not be episodes coming in the future. In addition to creating podcasts, Gavin also enjoys competitive robotics, geocaching (a sort of outdoor treasure hunting game), and the totally normal hobby of obsessively collecting IKEA stuffed sharks.
Anvi Jamnis • Oct 17, 2024 at 11:44 pm
Wow! This is a really interesting story I never knew about! Looks like there’s a lot of competition in element creation! Very nicely explained and the story got me engrossed until the very end!